This is an official original Shobukan watch made in Japan. This watch is available to members and collectors. For purchasing this watch payment must be made via western union. Payment must be submitted to : Masaya Kohama Address of payment: city: Yamamoto city, Japan Payment method: Shipping: Please add your shipping address to the payment note Cost is $80.00 plus shipping. Please send $100.00 to cover shipping.
This is the official and orginal Shobukan Insignia made in Japan for all black belt members. This insignia is to be worn on the navy blue blazer. For purchasing this watch payment must be made via western union. Payment must be submitted to : Masaya Kohama Address of payment: city: Yamamoto city, Japan Payment method: Shipping: Please add your shipping address to the payment note. Cost is $90.00 plus shipping. Please send $100.00 to cover shipping.